Tuesday, July 16, 2019
About Me
- Name: IndiaJP
- Location: near Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Jean-Philipe is a microentrepreneur, running several small businesses without partners or employees. A global traveller, he has been around the world seven or eight times. He used to live in Canada and visit India; now he lives in India and visits Canada. He is enthusiastic about and enjoys introducing visitors to his adopted home. > Jean-Philipe uses a 4-6-2 master plan for his travels: 4 months in Vancouver, June through September; 6 months in southeast Asia and India, October through March; and two months in Mexico and Latin America, April and May. > Former President and Executive Director of The Hunger Project, Joan Holmes, said, "JP, you have a unique ability to position yourself accurately on the planet." > Present location on the planet: Vancouver > Upcoming: Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, India
Previous Posts
- Maps of north and south tours
- India tours for the season November 2019 to Februa...
- India tours for the season November 2019 to Februa...
- Open House and planning meetup
- Announcing our tour itineraries for 2018/19
- Tour Maps
- Goan Goan Gone -- the Ultimate India Travel Adventure
- A Spaniard in the Works
- A Visitor from Canada
- Canada Summer 2013