Friday, August 21, 2009

Medical costs in India

When I lived in Canada, I was of course covered by the Canadian government health care, and was quite satisfied with any dealings I had to have with the system.

Now that I am settled in India, I don't have (or need) any health insurance coverage. I just pay cash on the spot for medical treatment. The other day I had to consult my doctor for two things: a recurring upset stomach, and a small spur on my left heel that I'd had for some time but which was starting to get tender. He gave me a prescription for the stomach upset (which has now cleared up completely), and did minor surgery on my heel right there in his clinic. The medicines cost about USD 3; the surgery fee would normally be USD 6, but he gave me a courtesy discount and charged only USD 2. Had a followup consultation two days later where his assistant changed the dressing on my heel; total cost USD 1 for some antiseptic powder to use the next couple of times I change the dressing myself.

I also see a naturopath for occasional accupuncture sessions. He normally charges about USD 4 per treatment, but I am his only Western patient, and as a "courtesy for visitors", he refuses to charge me.


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